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连接器的基本性能(the basic functions of connectors)



(the basic functions of connectors)


(Connectors have three basic functions that is mechanical properties, electric properties and environmental properties.)

1. 机械性能就连接功能而言,插拔力是重要地机械性能。插拔力分为[敏感词]力和拔出力(拔出力亦称分离力),两者的要求是不同的。在有关标准中有[敏感词][敏感词]力和小分离力规定,这表明,从使用角度来看,[敏感词]力要小(从而有低[敏感词]力LIF和无[敏感词]力ZIF的结构),而分离力若太小,则会影响接触的可靠性。

(With regard to connectivity, Insertion and withdrawal force are very important mechanical properties. As far as the use is concerned, the insertion force should be small, so we have LIF and ZIF. On the contrary, if the withdrawal force were too small, it would weaken the contacts.)


(Another mechanical property is the mechanical endurance of connector. In fact, mechanical endurance is a kind of durability index, which is called mechanized operation in GB5095. Each insertion and withdraw is a circle. The basis for the judgment is whether connector are able to complete the connectivity after a circle of insertion and withdrawal forces.)


(The insertion and withdrawal force  and mechanical endurance of connector is related to the structure of contacts, the quality of the contacts’ coating and the Size precision of the contacts.)

2.电气性能(electric property)


(Electric property mainly consists of contact resistance, insulation resistance, and dielectric strength.)

① 接触电阻:高质量的电连接器应当具有低而稳定的接触电阻。连接器的接触电阻从几毫欧到数十毫欧不等。

(The high quality connector is of low and stable contact resistance. Contact resistance ranges from one milliohm to tens of milliohm.)

② 绝缘电阻:衡量电连接器接触件之间和接触件与外壳之间绝缘性能的指标,其数量级为数百兆欧至数千兆欧不等。

(Insulation resistance is used to measure insulating properties between contacts and jackets, which ranges from hundreds of megohm to thousands of megohm.)


(Dielectric strength explains the tolerance of rated voltage between contacts and jackets, which depends on the circuit gap and the insulating material used.)


(Electric current is influenced by the  n connector and wire at the terminal.)


(As for RF coaxial connector, there are characteristic impedance , insertion loss, reflection coefficient, voltage standing-wave ratio and other electric index. With the development of digital technique, there comes out a new kind of high speed signal connector connecting and sending high speed digital pulse signal. At the same time, there comes out some new electric index such as cross-talk, delay, skew and so on.)

3.环境性能(environmental properties)


(Common environmental properties consist of thermostability, moisture-proof and Salt corrosion Resistance  .)

